About Jeravna

Jeravna village is located in a small valley in the eastern part of Stara Planina of 630 meters above sea level. The village has 330 houses and about 500 residents. The climate is mountainous with mild winter and cool summer. Minimum temperatures in January fell to -10 ° C and maximum in July is around 32 ° C. In 1958 a law declared Jeravna an architectural reserve and is now world famous tourist destination visited by over 20 thousand tourists each year.

The village was flourishing during the Renaissance as to the Liberation population reached 4000 people. Primary occupation was sheep breeding, but also many craftsmen emerged - cobbler, tailor, furrier, goldsmiths and carpenters, smiths, butchers, bakers, barbers etc. Along the entire length of the main street were built houses, which first floor is performing the role of the shop and workshops.

The village is known with its fountains, which of which more beautiful with whimsical spouts. In the vicinity gush multiple sources, most of which are inserted into the spout of fountains (Krincha, Starcha, Zaykovka) since time immemorial.

Jeravna is one of the wonders of the Bulgarian master builder, the vast majority of the houses represents a complete architectural image with unique artistic form. Generally preserved the authentic Renaissance look - narrow streets and cobblestones one or two floor wooden houses surrounded by stone walls. Some of the houses are more than 300 years old. Each one is unique cultural monument. There are oak planks which have broad and deep porches to 2 meters eaves.
Moreover Jeravna was trade and cultural center for the region. Hilendarski monastery had its nunnery in the village, which is maintained to nowadays. It is believed that the copy of "History Slavyanobalgarskaya" was made here.
Jeravna offers good opportunities for recreation and tourism - recent years private farmers restore old houses and turn them into places of accommodation satisfaction, while preserving Revival style and architecture. Landmarks in the village are:

- Church of St. Nicholas (1834)
- House Museum "Sava Filaretov" - Exhibition "History Jeravna"
- House Museum "Russia chorbadzhi" - Exhibition "Culture of Jeravna over the revival"
- House Museum "Jordan Yovkov"

Except heritage, the region attracts tourists with pleasant weather conditions for rest and opportunities for active tourism. One of the attractions here is the possibility of horse back riding.